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15:30, 05 April 2023
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09:14, 19 December 2022
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SPARTE Review of progress

The SPARTE consortium gathered on 3rd November 2022 in CTU, Prague for a review of progress and Steering committee meeting.

11:43, 07 November 2022
Categories: Public

SPARTE Summer school

SPARTE Summer school organised on 2nd November 2022 in CTU, Prague, has just started with Christophe Dujardin's introduction to scintillation

08:42, 02 November 2022
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S. Mauree receives one of the best contribution awards at SCINT 2022

Sharvanee Mauree (CEA) received the best contribution award for her poster presented at SCINT 2022.

08:45, 03 October 2022
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SPARTE team at SCINT Conference

P. Mai (UCBL-ILM), B. Sabot and S. Mauree (CEA) represented communications produced within the SPARTE project at the International Conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications held in Santa Fe, USA

11:14, 22 September 2022
Categories: Public

SPARTE progress review and summer school on 2nd-3rd November 2022

The next SPARTE progress review and summer school organised by CTU will gather all project beneficiaries on 2nd-3rd November 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic

14:31, 14 September 2022
Categories: Public

SPARTE presented at the European Optical Society Annual Meeting 2022

Christophe Dujardin presented the SPARTE project and its first results at the EOSAM 2022 held in Porto, Portugal on 12 - 16 September 2022

14:18, 14 September 2022
Categories: Public

SPARTE presented at the 2021 MRS Fall Meeting

Angelo Monguzzi (UNIMIB) introduced the SPARTE project at the Materials Research Society Fall meeting virtually held on 6-8th December 2021

08:58, 18 January 2022
Categories: Public

First SPARTE publication in Advanced Photonics Research

A first SPARTE publication authored by CEA team and entitled “From Sintering to Particle Discrimination: New Opportunities in Metal–Organic Frameworks Scintillators” is published in Advanced Photonics Research

09:07, 13 January 2022
Categories: Public

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